The Delegation to the Philippines Successfully Completed Its Visit


From July 31st to August 4th, at the invitation of the International Association of Schools and Institutes ofAdministration (IASIA), Xiaoyu Dong, director of the Department of Public Administration led a delegation to attend the IASIA 2023 conference in Quezon City, Manila, The Philippines. Professor Yu Pang from the Department of Leader Training, Chengxi Dong, deputy director of the Research Management Division, and Jingdi Liu, deputy director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Department attended the conference.


The theme of the annual conference is "Building Better Futures of Governance towards Achieving the SDGs in a VUCA world". More than 300 people from 51 countries around the world participated in this international multilateral conference. Four teachers participated in the discussion and delivered keynote speeches in English.


The delegation not only timely learned about the latest academic research in public management, but also told the story of China, spreaded the voice of China in an academic way.It also enhanced the openness and the international influence of BAI.

Written by  Jingdi Liu