BAI Delegation Strengthens Academic Bonds in Vietnam and Laos


A delegation from the Beijing Administration Institute (BAI), led by Vice President Tan Jidong, embarked on a week-long visit to Vietnam and Laos from December 10 to 17, strengthening partnerships with administration institutes in the region.


Vietnam Visit Highlights

In Vietnam, the delegation had substantive discussions at the Ho Chi Minh City Cadre Academy, exploring Marxist theories and their practical applications. Key insights from BAI’s research on regional development, ecological progress, and the Chinese path to modernization were shared.



The delegation also visited the Hochiminh National Academy of Politics Region 1 Hanoi. The meeting featured collaborative discussions on campus infrastructure, administrative management, logistics, and curriculum. The exchange concluded with discussions on future prospects and goals.


Laos Visit Highlights

During the stay in Laos, the delegation visited the Administration Institution of Vientiane, fostering an exchange of ideas on collaboration models and future plans. Lectures delivered to 110 students covered topics such as the Chinese path to modernization, high-quality urban development, and preservation of historical and cultural districts. The delegation received warm responses and interactions during lectures and discussed topics ranging from Vientiane’s new urban zone planning, management of small and medium-sized enterprises, and issues related to the labor force and birth rates.



The visit underscores Beijing Administration Institute’s commitment to fostering international cooperation, facilitating knowledge exchange, and promoting mutual understanding with administration institutes in Vietnam and Laos.


Written by Zhang Xi