Speak English in 9 Days Workshop was delivered for Class 2017


Speak English in 9 Days Workshop was delivered for the full-time students of Class 2017 from June 4th to June 14th. Mr. Jim Holmes and Ms.Sheree Lin, the founders and principal teachers of the workshop, presented the tools for improving English pronunciation and introduced American culture to the students.


The workshop applied the strategies for motor learning to learning English pronunciation and speaking, and adopted three essentials for clear pronunciation which are open your mouth, use your tongue, and finish your words. Besides lectures and oral practice drills, the workshop provided diversified teaching activities, such as discussion, role play, debate, playing Yes/No game, and watching the movie American Fusion. Students concentrated on generating the sounds for the first week, and improving sound quality for the second week. Each student received individual feedback from the two instructors regarding their strengths and weakness, and was encouraged to use the Conversation practice time to address their respective issues.


Mr.Holmes and Ms.Lin shared their perception on cross-cultural communication and fusion by delivering a seminar on the achievement of Matteo Ricci as a successful Jesuit Missionary, and also the Confucius institutes in the U.S. Both students and faculty of BAI participated in the seminar and discussed relevant questions.

To immerse students in an authentic and relaxed English learning environment, Mr.Holmes and Ms.Lin held a dancing party and taught students the American Cowboy dancing. They also invited students to join the free talk when walk around campus every evening.


After the two-week workshop, students learnt the basics of articulate English pronunciation, gained confidence in their English speaking ability, and broadened their mind. The workshop has been held for 12 years, benefiting more than 200 full-time students and winning popularity among faculty members in BAI.